Monday, January 23, 2012

Things I Want My Kids to Know

I have caught up on artwork and am looking at idle hands. This causes me to reflect on silly things like what I want me kids to know, should I be mauled to death by a mother rabbit or attacked by a rabid cougar while bicycling Sahara Woods. Here goes:

1. You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

2. Tide and Downy are the Rolls Royce of detergents. Don't destroy your body or the money you've put into clothes with cheap soap. Kane, Carhartt's not cheap. Paige, don't wash your Ugg boots in the washer. Please, please, don't mix your whites with jeans.

3. Being different is okay. There is a fine line between crazy and genius. Sometimes we don't see the line.

4. Girls like boys who can cook. Boys like girls that haven't been with every boy in town.Keep your head above your heart. At some point in your life, you will say "I'm so glad I didn't sleep with ... ".

5. If someone offers you a chance to sit, drink or pee, take it. This is a gift.

6. Before you take the big leap into something, read everything you can find on it. Learn from people who've been there. Ask someone. They may have been waiting their whole lives to hear that question.

7. The way you treat people is their karma. The way you react is yours. Choose your words wisely. You don't HAVE to say anything.

8. No one owes you anything. It's your obligation to make your way in this world. Do not take a handout. You will never truly hold anything dear that you've not earned on your own.

9. Credit cards are the devil. Enough said.

10. If you'd rather be alone, do it. There is no shame in being happy all by yourself.
It's easier to take the road less traveled if you're not dragging anyone else along with you.

11. Learn to see Bullshit coming from a mile away. It leaves a path. If it's too good to be true, someone else has something to gain from it (and it's usually not you).

12. Don't give up on something you dream about every day. Visualize it. Make a goal. Write it down. Don't be afraid to try. Failure will teach you humility.

13. Show compassion. When you see someone in need, help them. If you see something lacking, help it. We're all one step away from being where they are. And be good to service people. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. That, too, could be your son or daughter.

14. Don't change for anyone but yourself. You are perfect they way you are. And if you do, I will hunt them down and haunt them until their dying day. Get a hobby, it helps to maintain insanity.

15. Paige, do not feel threatened by any female. It will not be until you've gotten comfortable with yourself that you truly make GOOD friends with another girl. Be confident in what you have or get rid of him/it.

16. Kane, take good care of your animals. I know you'll find a way in this world to be happy and be done by noon when the weather is nice or something is in season.

Love, Your Mother (I call no MeMaws)

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