Let me preface this (as always) with the caveat that I am poor. I do not have wealth in the form of endless funds. I do have the luxuries that come with being a workaholic, which includes A LOT of eating out and travel (all as tax deductions).
Seriously, it comes in, it goes out. It really comes in and....O-M-G, HOW MUCH did you say you wanted...It's a vicious cycle.
My entire life I've heard the phrase. You know the one. WELL, recently I've gotten to spend time with people THAT REALLY, REALLY HAVE MONEY. I mean, they've worked hard, their family before them have worked hard, you know the rest.
The more time I spend with folks like this, the more inspired I am. (Also, the more I realize how I have no grasp of the poverty I and those around me live)....also, that credit limits can be limitless for some people. Who knew?
So in conversation with such, ideas come into play. They're buried in work and money and have no time or desire to enter various fields but are ALL ABOUT telling me what I should be doing with my last 16 years (60 is my max, people, don't give me any shit).
The one said, "There is a market for this too", when I approached him about a market that someone else had brought up (Joel). He went on to say, "Well, if you do that, it would be very easy to do this, branch that...", and on and on and on....
I guess people who succeed are ALWAYS thinking about "What would I do if this failed, what would I do if I decided I didn't want to work day in and day out with my brother in the flamily (yes, I typed flamily) business"...It's a whole different concept of keeping your eyes open for the next option.
I've always watched How It's Made and said, "You know the difference between that company and us?". ...IN UNISON, the Schutt family replies, "Yes, they have the equipment and we don't". True. Every day. That guy didn't start out making 8 million flip phone cases for Verizon Wireless. He was making personalized pencils with an engraving machine. Got the contract through a friend of a friend, and there he was. Standing next to me in Philly learning how to use the 8 new machines he'd bought with a home equity line of credit to fill this contract so he could teach his neighbors how to do it. Do or die. (Because I'm sure his parents were going to kill him if he lost the flamily farm.)
Necessity is the mother of invention. I am in NEED of money and jobs for my county. SO I am going to keep my mind and eyes open. (Did you know there is a machine that runs 24 hours a day printing the pads on the buttons on the controls within your car? Prints the numbers, etc on any calculator you buy, Jitterbug flip phones, landline phones? The buttons on your keyboard were pad printed. Um-hmm. Yeah, I met that guy too. Same place. (called pad printing. it's hard as shit to make a plate). Leaving that one to the Malaysians for now.
I guess what I'm getting at is if we all take the approach like "Why am I getting this from China instead of making this in Saline County (or Catskin)?"
We started GIG with a $150 heat press off ebay. Granted, it was junk and didn't last more than a few months, but it made money to put into more and better and so on still.
I can't help but believe I'm missing something; that something is staring me right in the face; that my lack of action is going to be my greatest regret. Help me put my head on straight. If YOU have an idea for something (JOHN DUNN, you are excluded from this), pass it on. Tell a friend, tell your loan officer. Tell someone.
Uneventful, I know. That is all. (Sign me Stumped)
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Friday Night Reflection

Yesterday, an older woman in my shop said she was tired of this country taking just anyone over our borders. It was of her opinion the borders should be closed, we are full, turn them all away. She closed her eyes last night with the firm belief that Obama was entirely responsible for there being any foreigners every entering this country. He is a king, and he is the reason for EVERY. SINGLE. THING. WRONG. in this country. (She had no concept of the idea of a democracy or Congress. It was all Barry calling the shots)
For only one of a handful of times in my life, I was speechless. I am speechless today. I've spent the last 30 hours or so reading about my civil rights. I've reread the Bill of Rights. I've read the amendments. I've been reading over the battle that Mr. King fought with so many others and the actions that JFK took at a point that, gratefully, I didn't have to endure.
I feel like we are clueless to what it has taken to get our country to this place. I can't recall ever mistreating someone because they weren't like me. Hell, we were all just alike. I don't remember any weirdos at school. Really, I don't remember anyone not pretty much just like the next person standing next to me. I recall after getting out of high school and going to college laying my eyes on the first person I'd ever seen in person that was from a foreign country. It NEVER once dawned on me to treat them any different. I thought it was cool.
When I was about 10, my grandparents took me to the Grand Canyon and the Badlands and a tour of the west (because that is where Zane Grey novels were based and god forbid my grandpa not see all that in person). We were in New Mexico on an "Indian" reservation. I have photos with a small Native American girl (that I'm sure my grandma pawned me off on for photos) in front of Old Faithful Geyser and another at Mount Rushmore. I didn't feel compelled to punch these kids in the face because they didn't have my pasty skin color or talk slow.
At what point did the tides change and we start questioning people regarding what they did in the privacy of their bedrooms and give it a label? At what point did we decide that it was okay to degrade people because of how they felt regarding anything? When did we as a society decide that OUR CHOICE IS THE RIGHT CHOICE for everyone?
When did we decide not to take the tired, the poor and the huddled masses yearning to be free? How lucky are ALL of us that OUR ancestors weren't turned away at Ellis Island? We come in this country and then with an arrogance of insane proportions, we decide to turn our backs on the tired and poor of our own.
The Internet is a wonderful tool for information (if you trust where you're looking). But I feel it may have become a hatebox, rather than a soapbox. I see people every day post things regarding their stance on religion, politics, sexuality, how they hate their jobs, and just spill nastiness.
I label myself a Democrat. I don't proclaim that EVERY Democrat is equal. Giving yourself a label is different than someone labeling you. I can say that I'm Amy and I'm vocal and opinionated and think differently than so many around me, it seems. I can't, however, say that EVERY AMY is vocal, opinionated and thinks differently.
Please think before you lump EVERY person in a class. Please take a moment to delete your noun and put, say, your kid's name or your special someone's name there. Repeat it aloud and then decide if you still want to make that statement. Without trying, we're getting too passe with our blank statements, and I'm becoming the old lady who wonders what this world is coming too.....
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